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Sustainability is at the heart of what we do

2C Ventures is a fully dedicated clean tech venture capital fund and will only invest in early-stage companies that are developing technologies that contribute to pre-defined environmental objectives.


The objective of the Fund is to make sustainable investments only.


For more information, please see 2C Ventures ESG Policy.

PAI Statement

SFDR Article 4

While 2C Ventures will only make sustainable investments as defined in the ESG Policy, 2C Ventures does not currently consider the adverse impacts of our investment decisions on sustainability factors, as defined by Article 4 of the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR).


The Fund will invest into small early-stage companies that are not required to report the required indicators and therefore the Fund does not have the means to ensure consistent reporting across its portfolio. There is also substantial uncertainty regarding the new legislation and related requirements. 2C Ventures will be monitoring the situation and we may reassess our approach as the regulation develops.

2C Ventures is a small and lean organisation where the remuneration policies are designed to align the interests of our employees and investors while not encouraging excessive risk taking, including with regards to sustainability risks.


SFDR Article 5

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